Staying Socially Active: Building and Maintaining Relationships in Your Golden Years

By 100 Answers Staff Writer Article Sources

As we age, staying socially active becomes more important than ever. It’s a key factor in maintaining our overall wellbeing and can even contribute to a longer, happier life[[1]]. In our golden years, we often face changes such as retirement, the loss of loved ones, or declining health, which can lead to feelings of isolation. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of building and maintaining relationships in your golden years and provide helpful tips for staying socially active.

The Benefits of Staying Socially Active

There’s a reason why humans are considered social creatures - we thrive on connection. Research has shown that staying socially active can have numerous benefits for seniors, including:

  • Improved mental, emotional, and physical health
  • A stronger immune system
  • Lower risk of depression and anxiety
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Longer, more fulfilling life[[1]]

In fact, the National Institute on Aging states that “remaining socially active and maintaining interpersonal relationships can help you maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function”[[1]]. So, it’s clear that fostering relationships and staying engaged with others is crucial for our overall well-being as we age.


Embrace New Technology

In today’s increasingly digital age, there’s a ton of apps and tools that can make it easier than ever to connect. These platforms can help you stay connected with friends and family, as well as make new connections with people who share similar interests. By learning how to use smartphones, tablets, and social media platforms like Facebook or Skype, you can stay in touch with loved ones you may not always see in person or even make new friends. If you’re unfamiliar with the technological frontier, consider enlisting the help of a tech-savvy friend or taking a class at your local library or community center.


Join Clubs or Organizations

Another way to stay socially active is to join clubs, organizations, or local community centers that cater to your interests. Enter book clubs or take part in discussion groups that spark your curiosity. There is a myriad of opportunities for older adults these days, from garden clubs to language courses to art classes.

Finding a group of people who share your passions will not only give a sense of purpose but provide a healthy environment for socializing. Many of these clubs even offer special events like group outings and get-togethers. A shared interest is the perfect foundation for building lasting friendships.



Volunteering is an incredible way to give back to the community while enriching your own life through social connections. Many organizations and events benefit from the help of individuals willing to donate their time. Research organizations in your area that match your values and interests—such as hospitals, schools, or animal shelters—and find out about volunteer opportunities.

The people you meet while volunteering will likely share your values and passions, and this can foster strong bonds between you, leading to fulfilling and long-lasting relationships.


Stay Active

Feeling fit and strong on the physical front can boost your confidence and encourage you to maintain a social life. Plus, regular physical activity is essential for your overall health, and it can be a wonderful opportunity to mingle. Explore local senior centers, gyms, or parks that offer recreational programs tailored to your physical ability, ranging from gentle yoga classes to more rigorous activities like swimming, dancing, or tennis.

Certain exercises, like joining a walking group or participating in group exercises like Tai Chi, can create opportunities for conversation or camaraderie—a fantastic way to engage not just your muscles but also your socialize side.


Build a Support Network

One of the pillars of staying socially active and healthy into your golden years is having a robust support network—or people who you trust and can depend on in tough times. Actively engage with friends, family, and neighbors, or reach out to new acquaintances to strengthen your circle of support. Although it’s important to nurture a self-reliant spirit, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance when needed. When you give or receive help from others, connections are deepened, and you strengthen your bonds with one another.


Make an Effort to Maintain Existing Relationships

Life can change tremendously with age, often causing relationships to drift apart. By putting in the effort to keep existing friendships solid, you maintain a foundation for social connections that will consistently contribute to your well-being. Schedule a monthly catch-up gossip fest or lunch date with old friends, or maintain an open line with loved family members or neighbors.

Never underestimate the power of an impromptu phone call or a heartfelt text message to express genuine concern, appreciation, or affection for friends and family.


Be Open to New Friendships

Finally, don’t be afraid to forge connections in new places—whether with someone whose demographic might not typically coincide with yours or with someone who belongs to varying social customs. Embrace the potential for building friendships with different people who present other perspectives or lifestyles, so long as some commonalities keep you connected.

Finding friends from unexpected places can truly enrich your life with fresh insights or even spur newfound passions that may redefine your relationships altogether.


Practice Good Communication Skills

Good communication is crucial for successful relationships. Regardless of age, healthy communication habits foster a thriving relationship to solidify trust, foster empathy, and ensure the success of the established connection. Some vital communication skills to keep in mind include expressing yourself honestly, practicing active listening, validating other’s emotions, sharing possible solutions, or being receptive to new opinions. When we engage effectively through communication, harmony and empathy are preserved in relationships.

By engaging with these key points, you position yourself for staying socially active well into your golden years. Prioritizing your mental and emotional health as a retiree reaps a multitude of lifelong benefits and supports contentedness in your final ears. By refining present relationships, embracing new adventures positively and favoring kindness in paramount, your golden years will shine even brighter with the warmth of connection.

seniors exercising-together


The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting any program. Reliance on any information is solely at your own risk. In case of a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

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